Buying a home

You've found your dream home, now make sure the process of getting it doesn't become a nightmare.

Buying a home Prioritize tasks once you are moving in Moving into a new home is an exciting time and there is so much to do beyond just unpacking all those boxes. While you’re probably daydreaming about decor and paint schemes and new furniture, there are some basics you should cover first before you get into the fun stuff. Change the locks Even if you’re […]
Buying a home When buying, you can negotiate more than price Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned veteran, the negotiation part of the transaction can be a little daunting and stressful. Most buyers focus on price when considering negotiating a purchase. However, it is necessary to ensure you are getting the best possible deal for your money. So, what else could you negotiate […]
Buying a home Townhouse or condo? Which is right for you? Whether a first-time buyer or you just want to purchase something smaller, townhouses and condos can both be great options. Check out the differences between the two to help aid you in your search! Condominium Condominiums are similar to apartments in that you purchase an individual unit inside of a larger building, but not the […]
Buying a home Which down payment strategy is right for you? Getting ready to buy your dream home can come with two less dreamy words: down payment. For years, the standard guidance has been “save for a 20-percent down payment before you buy a home.” The logic behind saving 20 percent is solid, as it shows that you have the financial discipline and stability to save […]
Buying a home You like the price, but does the appraiser? You’ve found your dream home and now it’s time to cross all your T’s and dot all your I’s before it’s all your own. And one of the first items on the closing checklist is the home appraisal. So, what exactly is that? The listing price is based on a market analysis done by a […]
Buying a home Here are 10 things you might forget after moving Yes, moving can be an emotionally and physically challenging time.  When you’re in the new place and have a moment to sit down, go over this list provided by the experts at Coldwell Banker Bain to make sure you have all the details covered. Moving to a new house can be a stressful and chaotic […]
Buying a home Five things first-time buyers should know Buying a home is still a part of the American dream. If that’s where you find yourself today, then here are five tips prepared by the experts at Coldwell Banker Bain that you should know before moving forward.  Buying your first home can, of course, be a stressful process, and the more you know going […]
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